Corporate Responsibilities

The Authentic Group of Companies aim to operate our businesses professionally, responsibly, successfully and sustainably. To achieve this, we are working closely with all our customers, partners, employees, business associations, NGOs & other non-profit organizations and also with the Myanmar Government to build good and sustainable relationships with them.

 No.  Assets  KPIs
 1. Our Customers 
We always try to provide to high-quality products and services to our customers. They are looking for value for money and we are always trying to provide reliable, responsible and professional services and products.
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Over deliver than promised
  • Number of branches
 2. Our Partners
We are always trying to be the best for our business partners to make them growth and profitable.
  • Number of Sales
  • Number of Projects
  • Number of Professional Services
 3. Our Employees
We always trying to provide safe and good working conditions to our employees in any situation. We also provide good careers’ opportunities for now and future as long as the Authentic Group of Companies is growing.
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Employee benefits
  • Number of accidents
  • Number of incidents reported
 4. The Society
We are always trying to gave back to the society and the community whenever, wherever there is a time to contribute.
  • Donations
  • Supporting to the Community in other ways


 5. The Government
We follow the laws, rules and regulations and we are contributing as one of the big tax payer to the Myanmar Government.
  • Following the Laws, Rules and Regulations
  • Tax Paid


Our people are the most valuable assets of the Authentic Group of Companies. We rely on the skills and commitment of our people to deliver outstanding products and services to our customers and our partners. Therefore, we are trying hard to be one of the best employers in Myanmar.

Our HR team is responsible for defining and implementing our HR strategy and action plans.

Working conditions

Benefit provided by the company for employees

  • Basic Salary + Uniform + Ferry + Meal + Hostel + Bonus
  • Providing school fees for staff's children
  • Annual Bread Payment
  • Annual promotion and salary increase
  • Trips
  • Anniversary event


No. Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
1. Full Time Employees 900 860 800 800 600
2. Average Turnover Rate (%) 8.12% 7.9% 7.25% 18.83% 30.37%
3. Female Workforce (%) 22.23% 22.12% 22.02% 21.08% 22.05%


Authentic Group of Companies is offering, creating and maintaining safe working conditions for our employees, contractors and our partners. Moreover public safety is one of the priority core values for Authentic Group of Companies. To set and promote an efficient culture of safety, we have relied on:

  • Our HSE team. 12 people are working to ensure that authentic operations are conducted safely.
  • Our Occupational Health and Safety policy, which is approved by our MD, and which is available here.
  • Our Health, Safety and Environmental policy, which is approved by our MD, and which is available here.
  • Our safety management system was audited by a third-party. Authentic is ISO-45001:2018 compliant.

We encourage all our employees and contractors to report any situation which might be unsafe.
Between January and December 2019, 420 incidents were reported and 123 were related to safety.
Between January to December 2020, 400 times of near miss, 40 minor injuries and 4 accidents related with public happened.
Between January to December 2021, 250 times of near miss, 25 minor injuries and 1 major injury happened.

We are proud to be one the first companies in Myanmar to achieve compliance to the ISO 45001 standard.


  • 0 lost time incident in 2019
    Type of Accident Rate Authentic Employees In-Direct Employees Public
    Fatality 0 0 0 0
    Serious Injuries Accident 0 0 0 0
    Major Injuries Accident 0 0 0 0
    Minor Injuries Accident 3 0 3 0
    Public Accident 1 0 0 1
  • Our Accident Frequency Rate is low: 0.63% in Year 2019, 2.6 in Year 2020 due to Covid-19 and 0.89 in 2021.
  • The Fatality Rate is 0 for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Health and Safety Recorded Data (2020)

  Water Supply and
Water Treatment Projects
Building Construction Projects
  Authentic Employee In-Direct Employee Authentic Employee In-Direct Employee
Fatality 0 0 0 0
Serious Injuries Accident 0 0 0 0
Major Injuries Accident 0 0 0 0
Minor Injuries Accident 10 6 14 10
Near Miss 80 120 30 170
Major Unsafe Action record per target year 150 100 220 100
Major Unsafe Condition record per target year 75 65 50 75

Environmental and Public Related Case Recorded Data (2020)

  Water Supply and
Water Treatment Projects
Building Construction Projects
Emergency Response Cases 0 0
Environmental Impact Incident 0 0
Accident related with Public 1 3
Major Public Complain 45 10


Health and Safety Recorded Data (2021)

  Water Supply and
Water Treatment Projects
Building Construction Projects
  Authentic Employee In-Direct Employee Authentic Employee In-Direct Employee
Fatality 0 0 0 0
Serious Injuries Accident 0 0 0 0
Major Injuries Accident 1 0 0 0
Minor Injuries Accident 4 3 4 9
Near Miss 50 80 20 100
Major Unsafe Action record per target year 120 80 180 75
Major Unsafe Condition record per target year 50 45 35 50

Environmental and Public Related Case Recorded Data (2021)

  Water Supply and
Water Treatment Projects
Building Construction Projects
Emergency Response Cases 0 0
Environmental Impact Incident 0 0
Accident related with Public 0 0
Major Public Complain 26 3



The Authentic Group of Companies is always trying to make our operations not harmful the environment.
We are trying to make our environmental footprint as low as possible. Our environmental policy is published here.

Our Environmental Management System was audited by a third-party. Authentic Construction Co. Ltd is ISO-45001:2015 compliant for the following scopes:

  • Civil Engineering Construction
  • Public Infrastructure
  • Facilities Engineering Construction and Related Management Activities

In Authentic, we always work to reduce and recycle as much as possible the waste produced by our daily activities, products, services, constructions, productions and operations. For hazardous waste, they have to “be disposed of to a site that is licensed to handle the type of waste identified”. 

Our waste management on 2021 is described in below graph.

Energy and GHG emission
To run our operations, we are using:

  • Diesel for our generators to power our headquarter in Yangon, production facilities at Bochan, our branches and construction sites when we cannot rely on the electricity provided by the government.
  • Gasoline for our fleet of vehicles.
  • Electricity from the grid, when it is available.

Results of Electricity Usage from 2019 to 2022

No Duration Production/Factory Head Office Total       
1. 2019 - 2020 FY 4,762,690 Unit 188,650 Unit 4,951,340 Unit
2. 2020 - 2021 FY 3,596,420 Unit 88,200 Unit 3,684,620 Unit
3. 2021 - 2022 FY (Mini 6 Months) 1,123,040 Unit 42,900 Unit 1,165,940 Unit
    9,482,150 Unit 319,750 Unit 9,801,900 Unit


The Authentic Group of Companies is contributing to Myanmar society as much as we can.
The Group also donated to the victims of the Cyclone Nagis at 2008.

In 2019, Authentic Construction is accepting 5 Civil Engineering Students as Internship Program at Pathein Water Supply project and 9 Mile Condo construction projects. Among them 2 engineering students are female.

The Authentic Group of Companies is also proud to be among the most significant taxpayers in Myanmar. We paid over 3.667 billions MMK of tax from 2019 financial year to 2021-2022 financial year .


The Authentic Group of Companies embraces the following standards.

SDG Item Explanation Results
3. Good Health and Well Being The treated water from our projects remove harmful minerals, chemicals and microorganisms
  • Our treated water was free from harmful chemicals, minerals and microorganisms such as free chlorine, free colour, lead, arsenic, fluorite, manganese, etc… tested by third party. (see the attached)
5. Equality Gender Authentic Group of Companies priority target to gender equality
  • 22.23% of our workforce is female
  • 10% of middle management position is female staff.
6. Clean water and Sanitation Our environmental friendly products also help to improve better living standards and healthier life styles for Myanmar people.
  • We produce various PE Water storage tanks and septic tanks are improvement of ecosystem and healthier life styles in  Myanmar starting from 2013 
  • Authentic Production has been accredited ISO 9001:2008 since 21st October 2014.
  • We built 27000 Liter/Day Drinking Water Facility in Seikkyi Kanaungto Township on 19.12.2019.
  • We built Clean Drinking Water System in Tamu Township, Chin State on 4.5.2017.
  • Our Water Distribution project supply 4,500,000 Gallons/Day Treated Water to 125970 people in Pathein Town Ship started from 25.1.2022.
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth Authentic Group of Companies is contributing the economic development of Myanmar.
  • 800 people are working at the Group.
  • 2 senior level staffs were promoted to Manager positions to perform more responsibilities in 2019.
  • Almost 400 new people are hired in 2019 for new projects.
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Our products and services are empowering Myanmar to achieve better buildings and infrastructures. Our environmental friendly products also help to improve better living standards and healthier life styles for Myanmar people.
  • We produces various HDPE Pipes, and fittings, uPVC Pipe, PE Water storage tanks and septic tanks in Myanmar starting from 2013 with over 400 different products totally.
  • Authentic Production has been accredited ISO 9001:2008 since 21st October 2014.
  • Achieve ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System for Production
  • Achieve ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System for Production
  • Achieve ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System for Production